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Read articles that david Zulberg has written and published about forming new habits and a healthy mindset.

8 Simple Steps to Mindful Eating

Becoming one with your meal can help you eat less and slim down, but it’s harder than it sounds. We’ve got expert tips to help you stay present with your plate. “Mindfulness.” “Presence.” “Awareness.” Whatever you choose to call it, the practice of staying in the...

Four Keys to Smart Snacking

Four Keys to Smart Snacking

 Snacking is a double-edged sword when it comes to health and weight loss. Make sure it works for you, not against you. Snacking: It's one of the biggest challenges against health and weight loss. Even if you are eating the most nutritious meals, snacking on the wrong...

4 ‘New’ Ways to Motivate Weight Loss

4 ‘New’ Ways to Motivate Weight Loss

Why reinvent the wheel? Philosophers have known how to motivate just about anything since ancient times. The long summer break is a challenging time to continue positive exercise and diet habits. If you have succeeded in maintaining your weight and fitness level while...

4 Cups Of Wine: A Passover Tradition For Everyone

4 Cups Of Wine: A Passover Tradition For Everyone

Take a page from the traditional Seder meal and toast your health with four cups of red wine. On the first two nights of Passover, the Jewish family sits together and has a specifically ordered meal called the ‘Seder’ (translation: Order). Some of the highlights of...


  MIT researchers reported in the October issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism that doses of melatonin, can help older adult insomniacs obtain a good night's sleep. "According to our research, the physiological dose of melatonin of...

Breakfast – The biggest meal?

Breakfast – The biggest meal?

  I just read, "A healthy breakfast isn’t just a tasty way to start the day, it can actually help you maintain your diet and weight-loss commitments. Study after study has confirmed that eating a breakfast that contains both protein and carbohydrates helps...

Belly size beats BMI

Belly size beats BMI

Minimum Daily Calorie Requirements According to the National Institutes of Health[i]: Eating plans that contain 1,000–1,200 calories each day will help most women lose weight safely. Eating plans that contain 1,200–1,600 calories each day are suitable for men and also...

Night Eating

Night Eating

Does eating at night make you fat? Many diets out there, think so! But is there any real evidence. There is a popular opinion that it does because our digestive system slows down in the evening hours as it gets ready to rest and rejuvenate. When we eat at these late...

Fiber From Cereals

Fiber From Cereals

Harvard School of Public Health suggests eating at least 20g of fiber a day. There are certainly many different food sources that you can get your required daily fiber requirements. I thought it may be interesting to compare some popular cereals as a source: In the...


5 Skinny Habits is a healthy habit makeover targeted for long-term weight loss, designed to change your habits, not your diet, so the weight comes off and stays off for good. The secret is to make just one reasonable change to your routine every week for five weeks....

How Maimonides Dealt with Stress & Anxiety

How Maimonides Dealt with Stress & Anxiety

As one of history’s most famous medical doctors, Maimonides, wrote a wealth of medical treatises. Amongst his better-known writings is the Regimen of Health (Regimine Sanitatis), which discusses the connection between mental and physical health, especially in relation...

Calcium Sources Besides Dairy

Calcium Sources Besides Dairy

  For adults, it is always important to choose low fat or skim when consuming dairy. Removing the fat will not lower the amount of calcium in a dairy product. However, dairy is actually only one of many sources of calcium. There are some other excellent,...

Ipod Aerobic Interval Cardio Workout

Ipod Aerobic Interval Cardio Workout

  After you are used to thirty minutes of continuous aerobic training, introducing aerobic intervals will enhance your workout. This is done by doing the exercise at a comfortable pace and then increasing the intensity for a short period, then reverting back to...