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137 W 25th St., 11th Floor,

New York, NY 10001

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M-S: 8am – 8pm

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Questions & Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program different from therapy?

Therapy is designed to deal with specific experiences and ongoing challenges. We give you the tools to understand your underlying thinking, feeling, and behavioral patterns. You will also get practical methods to apply yourself for the rest of your life.

Why all the theory?

You must first understand the theory before effectively applying the practical changes. No one just wants a set of rules to follow. This is the problem with many action-orientated self-help books today. Our Program provides a learning experience you can apply personally and professionally.

Are programs available for my company?

Yes. We have done many internal company workshops with management and employees. We can work around your specific goals to create a custom workshop that fits the goals and values of your company.

How long are the programs?

There are 6 Modules. You can choose to complete the programs in 3-6 weeks. We have found that the 2 modules per week option is most effective because you will get a powerful injection of ideas and methods that will transform your life and/or company. Programs prolonged over long periods often lose their initial motivation.

How many people can join?

We have found that there are wonderful advantages to doing programs in group settings. You will see and hear how everyone has their own unique experiences and applications of our principles. We have done programs ranging from 5 to 500 people in a session.

Are there private sessions?

You may choose to take a program privately. Private sessions are suggested for those who want an entirely personal experience. If you have a partner, it is advisable to do so with your partner, however, you may still choose to do it alone.